Hyaluronic Acid Silk Fabric

Hyaluronic acid fabric is a type of textile that incorporates hyaluronic acid, a natural polysaccharide known for its exceptional moisturizing, anti-aging, antioxidant, and skin-repairing properties. This innovative fabric combines the skincare benefits of hyaluronic acid with the comfort of traditional textiles, making it a popular choice in the emerging market of functional fabrics.

Hyaluronic Acid Silk Fabric
Hyaluronic acid silk fabric is produced by adding hyaluronic acid additives during the silk manufacturing process. As this process starts with treating the yarn and weaving the fabric, it requires a high minimum order quantity.

Natural Properties of Silk
Silk fibers naturally offer moisture retention and anti-wrinkle benefits due to their unique properties. Unless there is a specific need for hyaluronic acid in the fabric, it is generally not recommended to opt for this version, as standard silk already provides many skin-friendly attributes.

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